Top 10 Richest Countries of the World

Richest countries are those that are developed and have a strong economy to feed their people. There are 196 countries in the world some are classified as poor countries and some are the richest countries. There are few countries that are considered to be the RICHEST countries of the world. These Richest countries of the world are the developed countries whose income per capita is very high, their standard of living is quite good, they have stable political system, the rate of corruption is very low or sometimes there is no corruption, employment rate is very high, government has full confidence of their people, power to sustain their position in any condition, literacy rate is very high, their GDP rate is very high and most important they have stable economy. Some of the richest countries donate money to different developing or poor countries to provide them with an economic boost so they can also have better standards of living. For now information about the richest countries of the world in 2013, check out the list of
richest countries of the world in 2013


Here is the list of  top 10 richest countries of the world in 2013 with reference to their income per capita, employment rate most important with reference to their GDP.


Kuwait is an Asian country. It is one of the richest countries of the world with the GDP of $43,846.72. It is one of the strongest Asian countries. This country’s political structure is so strong that it has sustained its power and position in the world. Its employment rate is very high and gives a lot of opportunities to those who are willing to work and give their best. They grant a lot of opportunities to their employers who are working in their country. It’s a Muslim country but also provide basic rights to the minorities living there. This country stands at the 10 position of this list of TOP 10 RICHEST COUNTRIES OF THE WORLD.


Switzerland is a European country and stands at the 9th position of this list of TOP 10 RICHEST COUNTRIES OF THE WORLD. It’s a democratic state providing all the mocratic rights to its public. It is one of the best examples all around the world that shows the real democracy. The literacy rate over here is very high and provide with the best employment opportunity. People living here have better standard of living and their economy rate is very high means their economy is stable. A lot of languages are spoken here but most of the people speak German. GDP rate is very high.


United Arab Emirates is an Asian country. There are only few countries that have oil reserves and this country is one of them having oil as their natural resource which helped this country a lot to have an economic boost and sustain their economy. Within a few years this country has developed a lot and gave a lot of opportunities to its people and gave them a lot of security. People living here are mostly educated. $ 48,992.47 is the present GDP rate of UAE and the 8th most RICHEST COUNTRY OF THE WORLD.


United States of America is a North American country. It is the only “Super power” of the world after Russia was shattered into small states due to economic instability. USA is a member of UNO. It is the most powerful countries of the world and is a nuclear state as well. it has many natural resources which helps this state to have better economy. USA provides donation to the developing states like Pakistan, India, Bangladesh and many more. It has the largest weapon industry and its present GDP rate is 49, 802.15$ which is very high. People are having better standards of living. The literacy rate is very high and a lot of opportunities are been provided to its public. Like Switzerland it’s a democratic state. United state if America is at the 7th position in this list of TOP 10 RICHEST COUNTRIES OF THE WORLD.


Brunei is one of the richest countries of Asia blessed with oil and natural gas as their natural resources which helped them to have a growing and sustainable economy. They are making half of their money from their oil reserves. People speak Behasa Melayu as their national language. This country due to its natural resources is actually emerging as one of the TOP RICHEST COUNTRIES OF THE WORLD. The present GDP rate of Brunei is $ 50,526.25 and brings this country on to the 6th most RICHEST COUNTRY OF THE WORLD.


Hong Kong is the 5th RICHEST COUNTRY OF THE WORLD. It’s an Asian country having Hong Kong dollar as one of the most popular traded currency. Hong Kong is one of the best trading states around the world that have good trading relations with almost every rich country of the world and give them the best trading rates placing a very low tax on to their trading stuff. Its GDP rate is growing day by day and it is emerging as a new growing and developed state.


Norway is a European country having Norwegian as its national language. This country is such a beautiful country. This country is surrounded with mountains with beautiful weather. This is one of those countries having oil as their natural resources. Norway is considered to be one of the best traders of the world and gets the best profit from their petroleum industries. 53,470 $ is the current GDP rate of Norway. People are living their best life over here provided with all their democratic rights. Norway provides the best employment opportunity to its people and even to those who comes from outside. This country stands at the 4th position of this list of TOP 10 RICHEST COUNTRIES OF THE WORLD.


Singapore is a South Asian country with a growing GDP of 60,883.33. Literacy rate is very high and this country gives more importance to education and information technology. This country have a big population of people with different religion like Muslims, Christians ,Hindus and many more and provide them with all their basic rights. It is one of those countries that have developed itself a lot with the few years. It is such a beautiful country that it attracts the entire tourist to visit this country and get in love with their hospitality. Most of the population there speaks English. This country is world’s THIRD RICHEST COUNTRY.


Luxembourg is a European language where most of the population is Roman Catholic. Their national language is Luxembourgish. This country is also one of the best traders of the world and allows low taxes on to their trading stuff. Its present GDP rate is $80,679.06. People often speak German and French. It is at the 2nd position in the list of TOP 10 RICHEST COUNTRIES OF THE WORLD.


Qatar is ranking at the top of this list of TOP 10 RICHEST COUNTRIES OF THE WORLD. Qatar is situated in Asia and one of the strongest and richest Muslim countries having the largest growing economy of the world and left many other countries behind due to its stable political structure and growing literacy rate. This country has the best employment opportunity. People of Qatar speaks Arabic as their national language and with the growing rate of its GDP its stands at the top of the list of TOP 10 RICHEST COUNTRIES OF THE WORLD.
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